MEGATRANS to return in 2020
Leading logistics and transport event MEGATRANS will be returning to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 1 – 3 April 2020.
Last year’s event saw Australia’s supply chain and logistics industry together under one roof for the first time.
“We’re excited to announce the return of MEGATRANS. Once again, we will connect all facets of the logistics and multimodal freight industry in one place – with an integrated exhibition, conference and social program. We look forward to showcasing the latest developments and innovations in one of Australia’s most important industries,” Simon Coburn, Show Director said.
Many businesses marked the event to launch new products, communicate with others in the industry and to network with delegates and exhibitors alike.
Attended by senior leaders, decision makers and business owners the event was a rare opportunity for the industry to get to together and discuss common concerns and developments across the entire supply chain.
Feedback echoed by all delegates and exhibitors alike was that MEGATRANS2018 was a well-needed event for the Australian logistics and supply chain industry. A common message was that having the entire industry in one location for three days presented networking opportunities that have never been realised in the industry before.
“MEGATRANS2018 was fantastic for us, we’ve been able to establish joint ventures as well as positive leads. Another benefit of networking events like this is to catch up with businesses we are already working with and to see what they are showcasing,” Derek Packer, Construction Manager at BHD Storage
For sensor, networking and control systems supplier, ifm, the show was a great chance to connect with the right people. “[MEGATRANS] is different to any other show we have exhibited in that it is specific and targeted. The delegates are the right people who want to know how they can improve their processes,” Glenn Thornton, National Product and Brand Manager at ifm said.
For Joost Bekker, Business Development Director at PTV the show presented the opportunity to not only speak with new contacts but to reconnect with current connections. “We’ve been able to connect with businesses we are already talking with as the whole industry is there,” Joost said.
For the first time, MEGATRANS2020 will also take place in conjunction with the specialised bulk handling expo, Australian Bulk Handling Expo 2020 (BULK2020). The two events will be held side-by-side, with one ticket entry into both exhibitions.
The conference will showcase the latest in artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, automated racking, telematics and route optimisation, warehouse automation, intelligent fleet systems, blockchain, Internet of Things, big data and advanced analytics.