Packaging and pallets on show at MEGATRANS2018
Packaging solutions specialist CMTP is the latest business to join the growing list of exhibitors at supply chain event MEGATRANS2018, which takes over the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre next year.
Offering complete packing and packaging solutions, including timber pallets, crates and more, CMTP is a leading manufacturer of protective packaging for the wider Australian supply chain.
MEGATRANS2018 will be a key connection piece within the Australian and international supply chain, bringing together those who plan, implement and control the efficient, effective forward flow and storage of goods, services and related information from product inception to the end user.
For more information on the event on 10-12 May, head to
To join CMTP and other leading businesses exhibiting at MEGATRANS2018, contact Simon Coburn: P 03 9690 8766 E